Monday, October 28, 2019

Best Website for Self Learner

A list of best sites for self-development.
Code Academy - Learn how to program directly on the Internet. With this site you can learn languages ​​such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript absolutely free!Image result for ▪ Code Academy"
▪ Coursera - Coarser is a whole educational platform. You can expand your knowledge in various fields. More than 800 free courses on various topics from the history of the Internet to financial engineering.Image result for Coursera"
▪ Digital Photography School - A gold mine for photographers. A huge number of articles will improve your photographer's skills, even if you are still a beginner. There’s a forum, where you can chat and make friends with the community of photographers.Image result for Digital Photography School"
Duo lingo - Improve the knowledge of foreign languages ​​with this fun and extremely addictive game. Get a higher education at a no cost. If you are looking for more and other free materials for learning foreign languages, you can try BBC Languages.Image result for Duo lingo"
▪ ed X - Here you will find many different classes from "Science of Happiness" to "Responsible Innovations". ed X offers a bunch of free educational courses from the world's leading universities.Image result for ed X"
▪ Factsie - Did you know that a horned lizard can shoot blood from its tear ducts? Continue clicking on the big button in the center of the site to learn more unusual historical and scientific facts, as well as a link to the source. Another great site of fun and interesting facts - Today I Found Out.Image result for Factsie"
▪ Fast Company's 30-Second MBA - In short video clips from successful top-managers of corporations, you will get great business secrets and life lessons, very very quickly.Image result for Fast Company's 30-Second MBA"
▪ Freerice - Expanding your vocabulary, you help to fight hunger! For each correct answer, the project sponsors donate 10 Expand your vocabulary while feeding the hungry. It's the best way to feel good about yourself.Image result for Freerice"

▪ Instructables - With fun videos and simple instructions, you can learn to craft anything from a device to launch tennis balls to a fort in the backyard. You can also publish your own creations and tell the whole world about your creation. And this is not enough? Visit eHow and get a variety of skills in how to cook, decorate, repair, plan, lead gardening or even make a budget.Image result for Instructables"
▪ Investopedia - Here you will learn everything you need about the world of investment, markets and personal finance.Image result for Investopedia"
▪ Khan Academy - At Khan Academy you immerse yourself in a huge variety of different fields of knowledge with incredibly useful videos. You can not just watch, but also immediately practice in the chosen area and track your progress. And that's not all. The Khan Academy is a great way to expand and deepen your knowledge in the areas in which you have already been trained.Image result for Factsie"
▪ LearnVest - This personal finance website offers news, training classes and resource collections to help you take control of your money.Image result for LearnVest"
▪ Lifehacker - Extremely useful site. Here you will get a huge amount of the best tips, tricks, tips and ready-made materials to do anything and solve any problem.Image result for Lifehacker"
▪ Lumosity- It turns out that brain training can be very fun. All games are designed with the involvement of scientists. You can make a personal training plan to develop memory, attention, speed of thinking. During the games you earn points and clearly see your progress.Image result for Lumosity"
▪ MIT Open Course ware - Want to be as smart as the students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology? Get access to MIT classes and courses in one place.Image result for MIT Open Course ware"
Power searching with Google - Learn how to find anything by improving your Google search skills.Image result for Power searching with Google"
▪ Spreeder - Free online speed reading software will increase the speed of your reading and the quality of perception. Just copy and paste any text you want to read, and the program takes care of everything else.Image result for Spreeder"
▪ Stack Overflow - Site for questions and answers, but only for programmers. This site is the best friend of the encoder. There are also excellent learning sites for learning Learn X in Y Minutes and W3Schools.Image result for Stack Overflow"
▪ TED-Ed - A new initiative launched by the provider of world-renowned TED conferences. The idea is simple - "lessons that are worth sharing." The site set a task for itselfImage result for TED-Ed"

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