Sunday, October 27, 2019

Behaviors of Confident People

  • Has nothing to prove to anyone, doesn’t need to go around starting fights.
  • Doesn’t need anyone’s approval to make a decision.Image result for Doesn’t need anyone’s approval to make a decision."
  • Isn’t afraid to give to someone that could surpass him in life.
  • Never needs anyone’s validation to maintain a good self esteem.
  • Doesn’t make someone feel smaller to look larger in life.Image result for Doesn’t make someone feel smaller to look larger in life."
  • Admits wrong doing and owns up to it, with full accountability.
  • Body language is open and loose, with straight posture to show a commanding presence.
  • Owns a room with charisma.
  • Image result for Owns a room with charisma."
  • Does not hide from conflict, rises to action.
  • Never ridicules others- it is a sign of insecurity.
  • Speaks truth from the core of their being, and communicates with full conviction.
  • Solid eye contact.
  • Image result for Solid eye contact."
  • Mentally controls emotions against outside environment.
  • Practices what they want to do harder than anyone.
  • Makes no excuses for failures.
  • Does not need to be told how great they are because they have humility.
  • Laughs at one's self and doesn’t take the world too seriously.
  • Stays focused on one’s own life and doesn’t need to compare oneself to others.
  • Is honest no matter the consequences.
  • Image result for Is honest no matter the consequences."
  • Doesn’t need to be seen as anyone other than who they are, and unapologetic ally themselves.
Thanks for reading

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