Monday, October 28, 2019

Best Website for Self Learner

A list of best sites for self-development.
Code Academy - Learn how to program directly on the Internet. With this site you can learn languages ​​such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript absolutely free!Image result for ▪ Code Academy"
▪ Coursera - Coarser is a whole educational platform. You can expand your knowledge in various fields. More than 800 free courses on various topics from the history of the Internet to financial engineering.Image result for Coursera"
▪ Digital Photography School - A gold mine for photographers. A huge number of articles will improve your photographer's skills, even if you are still a beginner. There’s a forum, where you can chat and make friends with the community of photographers.Image result for Digital Photography School"
Duo lingo - Improve the knowledge of foreign languages ​​with this fun and extremely addictive game. Get a higher education at a no cost. If you are looking for more and other free materials for learning foreign languages, you can try BBC Languages.Image result for Duo lingo"
▪ ed X - Here you will find many different classes from "Science of Happiness" to "Responsible Innovations". ed X offers a bunch of free educational courses from the world's leading universities.Image result for ed X"
▪ Factsie - Did you know that a horned lizard can shoot blood from its tear ducts? Continue clicking on the big button in the center of the site to learn more unusual historical and scientific facts, as well as a link to the source. Another great site of fun and interesting facts - Today I Found Out.Image result for Factsie"
▪ Fast Company's 30-Second MBA - In short video clips from successful top-managers of corporations, you will get great business secrets and life lessons, very very quickly.Image result for Fast Company's 30-Second MBA"
▪ Freerice - Expanding your vocabulary, you help to fight hunger! For each correct answer, the project sponsors donate 10 Expand your vocabulary while feeding the hungry. It's the best way to feel good about yourself.Image result for Freerice"

▪ Instructables - With fun videos and simple instructions, you can learn to craft anything from a device to launch tennis balls to a fort in the backyard. You can also publish your own creations and tell the whole world about your creation. And this is not enough? Visit eHow and get a variety of skills in how to cook, decorate, repair, plan, lead gardening or even make a budget.Image result for Instructables"
▪ Investopedia - Here you will learn everything you need about the world of investment, markets and personal finance.Image result for Investopedia"
▪ Khan Academy - At Khan Academy you immerse yourself in a huge variety of different fields of knowledge with incredibly useful videos. You can not just watch, but also immediately practice in the chosen area and track your progress. And that's not all. The Khan Academy is a great way to expand and deepen your knowledge in the areas in which you have already been trained.Image result for Factsie"
▪ LearnVest - This personal finance website offers news, training classes and resource collections to help you take control of your money.Image result for LearnVest"
▪ Lifehacker - Extremely useful site. Here you will get a huge amount of the best tips, tricks, tips and ready-made materials to do anything and solve any problem.Image result for Lifehacker"
▪ Lumosity- It turns out that brain training can be very fun. All games are designed with the involvement of scientists. You can make a personal training plan to develop memory, attention, speed of thinking. During the games you earn points and clearly see your progress.Image result for Lumosity"
▪ MIT Open Course ware - Want to be as smart as the students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology? Get access to MIT classes and courses in one place.Image result for MIT Open Course ware"
Power searching with Google - Learn how to find anything by improving your Google search skills.Image result for Power searching with Google"
▪ Spreeder - Free online speed reading software will increase the speed of your reading and the quality of perception. Just copy and paste any text you want to read, and the program takes care of everything else.Image result for Spreeder"
▪ Stack Overflow - Site for questions and answers, but only for programmers. This site is the best friend of the encoder. There are also excellent learning sites for learning Learn X in Y Minutes and W3Schools.Image result for Stack Overflow"
▪ TED-Ed - A new initiative launched by the provider of world-renowned TED conferences. The idea is simple - "lessons that are worth sharing." The site set a task for itselfImage result for TED-Ed"

Sunday, October 27, 2019

How to Improve Public Speaking Skills?

  1. Start with a story — people like stories more than facts, don’t you?
  2. Record yourself on video — analyze and work on your weaknesses.
  3. Be aware of the audience — notice their reactions and adjust accordingly.Image result for Be aware of the audience — notice their reactions and adjust accordingly."
  4. Study clips from viewers you admire — learn what makes them good and imitate it.
  5. Let your personality shine and express yourself fully — don’t just recite words.
  6. Anxiety is normal — use it to be aware of your body and become engaged.Image result for Anxiety is normal — use it to be aware of your body and become engaged."
  7. Practice improve — it will help you think on your feet.
  8. Allow yourself to make mistakes — nobody is expecting perfection for you.Image result for Allow yourself to make mistakes — nobody is expecting perfection for you."

Behaviors of Confident People

  • Has nothing to prove to anyone, doesn’t need to go around starting fights.
  • Doesn’t need anyone’s approval to make a decision.Image result for Doesn’t need anyone’s approval to make a decision."
  • Isn’t afraid to give to someone that could surpass him in life.
  • Never needs anyone’s validation to maintain a good self esteem.
  • Doesn’t make someone feel smaller to look larger in life.Image result for Doesn’t make someone feel smaller to look larger in life."
  • Admits wrong doing and owns up to it, with full accountability.
  • Body language is open and loose, with straight posture to show a commanding presence.
  • Owns a room with charisma.
  • Image result for Owns a room with charisma."
  • Does not hide from conflict, rises to action.
  • Never ridicules others- it is a sign of insecurity.
  • Speaks truth from the core of their being, and communicates with full conviction.
  • Solid eye contact.
  • Image result for Solid eye contact."
  • Mentally controls emotions against outside environment.
  • Practices what they want to do harder than anyone.
  • Makes no excuses for failures.
  • Does not need to be told how great they are because they have humility.
  • Laughs at one's self and doesn’t take the world too seriously.
  • Stays focused on one’s own life and doesn’t need to compare oneself to others.
  • Is honest no matter the consequences.
  • Image result for Is honest no matter the consequences."
  • Doesn’t need to be seen as anyone other than who they are, and unapologetic ally themselves.
Thanks for reading

Friday, October 25, 2019

Crucial ways to save a sinking business

A dying business! No one likes to think about running a business that’s sinking.
Failure in business is normal, it happens. Strategies shouldn’t be made at a knee-jerk.
When such situations take place, it is easier to give up rather than giving it an attempt to work things. Toughing it out can be a great challenge, but here’s hope to revive your business.
1.Reconsider your strategy:
Indulge in thinking why your business was a failure. Rethink and go through strategies you followed and find out how and why it went wrong in the first place. Remember the way to failure is the key to success. After re-visiting your organization there are likely higher chances you have found what went wrong. You need to decide to not give up, and Work on your strategy again. This is one of the toughest steps in reviving a dead business but is often one of the most important ones.
The best example one could give is Steve Jobs. He is one person who constantly rethinks his products to offer better services to the world.
2.Ensure you evaluated your situation with pure honesty
For instance, a doctor or a physician run certain tests on patients to make a diagnosis. In the same manner, you need to assess and evaluate the situation. If you think your business is in great trouble, you need to stop right there. It is not possible to come to conclusions without proper diagnosis. Therefore, look hard and evaluate the situation and find out why things are slipping out of hand. Taking actions without knowing where to start is naive.
Image result for Elon Musk’s SpaceX
At a recent incident where Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket was considered as the biggest failure to date. Elon made a statement to his followers on Twitter stating, he would take time to evaluate and find out what went wrong. Although it seemed like a failure, Elon didn’t give up. In fact, he and his followers continued pushing toward success.
3.If there’s pride in you, you better let go of it:
Playing the blame game is in no way going to work here. Most successful administrators, stakeholders, CEOs, and business leaders know that admitting to their faults and failures shows genuine humility. Such an act of theirs gives an assurance of re-boosting the organization. If business leaders are not willing to change, it could create havoc.
But if there’s still fear inside of you, you need to learn a lesson from one of our billionaire Richard Branson who said,
“Failure is one of the secrets to success since some of the best ideas arise from the ashes of a shuttered business.”
Image result for billionaire Richard Branson
4.Don’t let go of the passion:
If passion is what made you start a new business, it is will also be the same factor that will help you succeed. Passion isn’t always fueled with a reason; however, it may ignite that fire again.
Nick Woodman, the man who invented GoPro became a billionaire at the age of 36. According to him, success touched his feet only after he was able to create a business that eventually bought his passion for life.
Image result for GoPro
5. Don’t forget to focus on people:
There are certain times when you might think the problem lies in your software, maybe hardware or your data. But the best and successful businesses are the ones that are run with positive souls. The most important asset of a company is the employees. And when business tends to fail, ensure you reevaluate not just the strategies but those involve in expecting them as well.
Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, is known for his Strategic leadership and unconventional method of hiring teams. He often looks for talent and attitude rather than skills or degrees.
Image result for talent and attitude rather than skills or degrees.

Besides implementing the given tips to revive a dying business, entrepreneurs must be able to retain leadership skills. Doing so will allow the organization through tough times of fundamental changes.

Low investment and High Margin Profit Business

If you want such a business that has a low investment, but very large profits, then you should consider the following Low Investment High Profit Business Ideas:
1.  Make Overs
Image result for Make Overs
Looking for a high profit low investment business? Make overs such as face make ups, manicure and pedicure, glee tying etc, is a lucrative low capital investment business. Many young ladies go into this business even from school. If you have the expertise to give unique touches and beauty make up, you will always get clients through referrals.
This is because ladies often ask questions when they see cute makeups on their friends. Anybody can start this business after going through the training even without necessary looking for loans as beauty makeup is a business with low capital start-up.
2.  Snacks
Image result for Snacks
Commercial baking of snacks from home is a good example of a low capital high profit business. You can bake and sell to either targeted customers like school children, office workers during breaks or open an outlet/shop where people can come to buy. The materials for this less investment more profit business are not costly to acquire.
Nevertheless you need a decent level of baking skills. If you are interested in low investment high return business ideas, making snacks like doughnuts, scotch eggs, chin chin, mince pies, fish pies, sausage roll etc, is a very nice opportunity to grab.
See: Start Internet Business Ideas Online Free At Home With No Capital Money
3. Security Outfit 
Image result for Security Outfit
You don’t need much money to set up a security guard company that would be involved in the training of able bodied young men and women for supply to companies and banks as security agents.
This low capital high return business is what has build wealth empires for many people across the world especially retired military and paramilitary personnel like man o war, police, civil defense, customs, immigration, army etc.
Most establishments do not have time to start recruiting and training security personnel. They contract this service out to private security outfits. With a good business plan, business management skills and military experience, you will succeed in this low investment high return business.
4.  Pet Care
Related image
I have shared three low cost business opportunities so far and I’m moving to the fourth one: PET CARE. Do you know you can make money when you care after other people’s pets? Most busy workers are afraid to leave their dogs or cats alone at home especially when these pets are sick.
Some other persons are looking for animal care homes to put their rabbit, hamster, pig etc for the meantime while they are away on holidays.
With a knowledge of animal care, veterinary medicine or animal management (behavior and handing), you can set up a pet care home. People who share great affection with pets are willing to pay much to ensure their pets’ welfare and safety.
Child care or babysitting is another related business with low capital and high profit that you can start if you have the necessary experience and are located in areas where pet care is not blooming at present such as in Nigeria and most parts of Africa.
5.  Business Consulting
Image result for Business Consulting
Have you managed a business successfully in the past? Do you have the require experience to start a business or manage one profitably? I’m delighted to inform you that you can repackage that knowledge ans set up a consulting service.
For instance, of you are knowledgeable about agribusiness such as poultry business or fish farming, you can start consulting for people who are interested in going into this line of business. The sweet thing is you don’t need to invest millions of dollars to become a business consultant in a chosen field.
My only recommendation is don’t preach or recommend what you have not practiced. That’s sheer dishonesty. Indeed, business consulting is a low investment business with high profit. I’m a living witness to this fact.

Wish You all Best of Luck

Business strategy

I’ve been passionate about strategy since I came out of the university and had the chance to study it in detail. So, today, I wanted to share with you what I consider to be the simplest way to understanding strategy and, particularly, business or competitive strategy.
As you’ll see in this article, we barely won’t talk about any theoretical concepts because, at the end of the day, strategy doesn’t require a specific course or an economics book to be explained and absorbed to be applied in our daily lives.
So, here we go, I hope you find it insightful!

I definitely had to write a blog about Strategy. It is unbelievable the number of people who have no idea what strategy is and why it really matters.
So, here it is, guys, a short and introductory description:
Strategy is the core, the backbone, the bottom line of everything a company does.
What do companies like Nike, Apple, Easy Jet, Starbucks, Red Bull,have in common?
That’s right, they all have a great strategy.

So, what’s Strategy?
First of all, let me tell you that we’ll avoid all the typical theoretical definitions of strategy. It is not that these more academic definitions are wrong, quite on the opposite. It’s just they often are complex for people without a management background to visualize and understand their practical application in a given business.
But, if you’re curious to see what’s a more academic explanation, head over to this link.
Recalling my days at business school, it now feels sort of ridiculous to remember the way professors used to teach strategy courses. After all, this always was one of my favorite subjects in management, and I truly believe strategy is incredibly simple to define, even though it is tough to commit to in a business or life environment.
So, this is what strategy is all about – one word:
Now, you cannot imagine the number of times I’ve seen people completely miss interpreting what strategy is. We use these buzzwords as “strategic option”, “I’m thinking strategically”, “our strategic objective”, you name it. But it’s amazing that the vast majority of our society has really no clue of what strategy really is.
Here’s a typical scenario:
When I was working at my first corporate job, I used to help my fellows who were mainly engineers. Often, I’d ask them:
“Tell me, what’s the target of your product? Is it for small companies or, perhaps, to the larger ones?”
Even in this really simple example, you can already figure out what they used to reply, right?
“Both!” – …Oh, Great.
I’d like to share with you some rules of thumb to easily grasp what’s strategy. With these hacks, I’m confident you’ll be able to think strategically in everything you do in life, way beyond managing your business.
The first thing I want you to know is that strategy really means FOCUS, above anything else. In the example above, my colleagues used to think their products had to serve both small and big companies. They simply couldn’t understand that in order to have an outstanding product and to be highly successful, you cannot disperse your efforts among many directions. You have to focus.
It is definitely hard to develop a product if you’re thinking about what small companies need, and trying to merge it with what large companies want. Let’s face it, you’ll always be stuck in the middle.
And this stuck in the middle reality is extremely common whether we’re talking about a business or our own personal life. Most of us will never be able to understand that our businesses are stuck in the middle and that it is the cause of slow or nonexistent growth, not to mention the cases of bankruptcy for the lack of competitive propositions.
This leads us to the importance of saying “NO, we don’t do that“. If you want to know one of the best rules of thumb for strategy, here it is:
Define exactly what are the things that you do NOT do. And then, you have to stick to it, as consistency is what really pays off in the long term. Think about what your business can do best and be ready to say NO to customers that ask you to go in another direction.
And, you know, this is hard. That’s why a lot of people cannot do it, even in their personal lives. Now, imagine when we’re speaking about customers who want to pay you. It’s too appealing, no doubt, but that is why having a strategy is important. Because the next time you feel tempted to deviate from your strategy, you already know that you have a specific plan telling you that you should never leave the right track, and if you’re determined enough to succeed, you’ll find the strength to say “NO, we don’t do that anymore“.
Does it make sense?
You can find these types of questions and doubts in every category of our society. In our own lives, for instance, we face similar dilemmas. Let’s imagine you want to create a business and become an entrepreneur,but you have a full time job that consumes from 8 to 12 hours of your day time, with commuting included.
If you ask me if you can and should create a business on the side, my answer will always be “yes, of course, you can and I’m happy to help you!”, but naturally, you cannot possibly compare your potential level of effectiveness with someone else’s who is creating a business in full-time.
Preferences aside, the undeniable fact is that the one focusing all his time on the business will definitely have much better conditions to launch and grow a business, not to mention that working in a best-effort approach often leads to giving up due to the accumulation of daily burdens and tasks that suck all your time and energy.

If you still don’t agree with me, let me share this story about Sir Richard Branson:
Some years ago one guy was setting up a major summit and wanted to invite Sir Richard Branson to be one of the main keynote speakers. So, he tried to contact him.
First, he started by a formal invitation, without any compensation associated. Some days later, he receives a rejection letter from Richard Brandon's secretary – I’m not sure if it was the secretary, but for the sake of this story, let’s just assume it was his secretary. The letter said something like “Sir Richard Branson apologizes but he cannot accept your invitation…”.
So, he decides to offer a symbolic compensation – perhaps it was a matter of money. But this offer was also refused. And, still, the man doesn’t give up. He is determined to have Sir Richard Branson speaking at his stage and, therefore, keeps on increasing the compensation proposal up to 500k$.
And the offers keep on being rejected.
So, after several proposals, he finally gives up, exhausted, and asks Richard Brandon's secretary:
OK, just tell me: what does it take to have Sir Richard Branson as a keynote speaker?
And here’s the reply the secretary gave him:
At this moment, I have clear instructions from Sir Richard Branson not to interrupt him with absolutely nothing that goes beyond his main priority.
And, you know what? The sad truth is that most people will read this and think:
“Oh, I see, he has so much money that he can manage to easily refuse 500k$. It must be good to be Richard Branson!”
But the blunt truth is this:
It is precisely because Richard Branson always understood the importance of focus that he is now in his position. It is NOT the other way around.
What you don’t know is that he’s been doing this ever since the beginning of his journey. Even when he didn’t have keynote speaking offers such as this one, he was already prioritizing and focusing.
You see, we all tend to seek for excuses for others’ success because we don’t want to see what’s the real truth. Often, this truth is quite simple to understand, but because we think it is that obvious, we don’t take it seriously and we fail on executing it.
So, here’s the reality: it all comes down to really simple things such as having the consistency and determination to do only the ONE AND MOST IMPORTANT THING at a time. This is what strategy is all about.
And what Richard Branson is doing by asking his secretary to reject everything that draws his attention in another direction is, simply, being strategic. He’s saying “NO” to whatever appears because it surely isn’t as important as his main project.
And this capability to say “NO, we don’t do that stuff” is distinctive in successful people and, ultimately, is what separates the thriving companies from those who cannot endure in an ever-changing environment.
Never be stuck in the middle. The companies that don’t have a unique positioning will never be incredibly good at anything because they will always be competing with other companies that apply 100% of their efforts in the same product. And, unless you have an unfair advantage, I really don’t see how you can expect to outrun someone sprinting in a straight line if you’re constantly switching routes.
So, I hope by now you understand what strategy is but, most of all, I hope that you realize how in our own lives we’re constantly choosing to do everything, developing all the skills, targeting all the segments, etc. It is hard to say “NO”, I get it. But that’s what it takes to achieve whatever you want to achieve in life.
Now that we understand what FOCUS is, we’ll address Competitive Strategy, so you can visualize how to position your company in a specific market and the type of reasoning you must go through.

We will now enter a new strategic dimension called “Competition”.
Here, my go-to guy is and will always be Michael Porter. At the end of this article, I’ll leave you some additional resources and one of the videos will be a 1-hour conference call with Michael Porter in which he explains competitive strategy in detail.
Michael Porter introduced a large part of what are the management concepts we use nowadays.
I wanted to explain you the importance of having FOCUS before we dive in competitive strategy because, as you’ll see, both subjects are highly connected by the type of reasoning.
Strategy is about being UNIQUE
Probably the most important thing I’ve learned with Michael Porter is that strategy is not about being the best. It is about being UNIQUE.
And this is huge.
Recently, I’ve written an article about how you beat a stonger, bigger competitors. In this article, you can learn why you should never fight fire with fire in spite of what most people think.
It’s not about beating your competitors; it’s about finding a unique positioning for your company, a unique story and value proposition to your customers, so they will never confuse you with your competitors.
For example, who would say that Apple can be confused with Microsoft or Dell? Or, for instance, no one says that Red Bull is like Coca-Cola, right? And what about Mercedes being Volvo?
You see, even though we’re talking about companies that compete in the same industries, the fact is their positioning in the market is absolutely unique and differentiated. You cannot possibly confuse the brand Red Bull with the brand Coca-Cola. And I’m not only talking about the visual aspects, I’m talking about everything else:
  • The product itself
  • Pricing
  • Packaging
  • Brand values
  • Channels’ distribution
  • Target market
  • People they hire
  • Where they choose to have their headquarters
  • Internal culture
And so on.
Here, I’d like you to start framing a very important concept:
Being unique is the tip of the iceberg visible on top of the water. And even though it is absolutely paramount, it doesn’t exist if you don’t have a whole and giant block of ice beneath it.
This means that being unique is the consequence of the strategic reasoning, but this position only leads to outstanding payoffs if you build the necessary foundations beneath it. And those foundations are EVERYTHING the company does. Agree?
So, three very important notions:
  1. It is not about being the best, it is about being UNIQUE.
  2. Being UNIQUE is only achievable if you build the necessary foundations.
  3. The foundations are virtually EVERYTHING a company does.
And here we’re talking strategy.
This is what strategy is all about. In this case, we’ve to call it competitive strategy because, as you’ll see next, it is quite rare to find a company that creates such a blue ocean that has presently no competition whatsoever. In the vast majority of cases, you’ll always have competitors to play against.

So, I believe it is now the right time to present you The Three Generic Strategies of Michael Porter.
Through these three generic strategies, I hope by the end of this article you’ll have a clear picture of how you want to position your business or, at the very least, what’s the strategic reasoning that you must go through when creating a company.
So, here they are: The Three Generic Strategies
First, a brief explanation on the graphic above, so you don’t get lost:
This is a typical 2×2 matrix, in which you have on the left the dimension of the target and on top the key advantage of your business.
The goal here is to think where your company belongs. Should you position your company as a cost leader? Or, perhaps, as a different and unique product? And what about the size of the market? Do you think you can address an entire industry or only a small niche?
As you can see, you can either choose to go for the whole industry or for a specific segment. Secondly, you can choose to be unique and different from the standard, or you can be the cheapest in the market. When you coordinate the options, you’ll have three types of strategies that I’ll present and detail below.
What cost leadership really means is being the Cheapest in the market. To understand this, it is important to detail a bit how you can have cost leadership. Because, you see, you can only be the cheapest in the industry if you have a competitive advantage on the amount of money you pay to sell one product.
Producing a product cheaper than anyone else will usually require one of two scenarios, or both:
  1. Economies of scale: the bigger your company gets, the lower your unit cost becomes because you can dilute all your infrastructure costs for all your production output. If you produce more products, you’ll have a lower average unit cost. 10 divided by 100 is not the same as 15 divided by 1000, you see? Usually, companies with large infrastructure and worldwide production scale will be able to produce a lot cheaper than a small company selling only locally.
  2. A secret sauce: if you have a specific and scarce know-how, or you’re the only one from the industry with access to a really cheap labor market, you’ll then be able to exploit a specific unfair advantage that helps you reducing your cost structure. By the way, the cost structure is the whole puzzle of your company’s costs. Briefly, you can have fixed costs or variable costs. And if you find a secret sauce to reduce one of these types of costs, you’ll be able to price your products cheaper than your competitors.
Now, all I wanted you to understand is that this generic strategy is based on having a key to produce your products at a lower cost than your competitors, and because you can do so, you’re able to be the cheapest in the market.
This also means you’ll be focusing on volume. When you’re the cheapest, it means your margins are really low, and that’s actually OK, as long as you sell a lot more than your competitors. So, this is why you’re going for the whole industry and not for a narrow niche.
Typical references with this strategy are: Walmart and IKEA.

In the differentiation strategy, you’re still addressing a whole industry. However, you’re not competing on price, but you’re rather competing based on a unique value proposition that is intrinsically different from all the other competitors.
As we’ve mentioned previously, a company seeking to differentiate its offer won’t be too concerned about having a higher unit cost that its competitors. After all, this company is adding more value than the average of the market, and the trick here is increasing overall profit margins.
There are many ways you can add more value. As an example, you can, for instance, work on the packaging to increase the value perceived. If you want to position your product as unique or, at the very least, different than all the others, you can have a fancy packaging which will naturally be slightly more expensive.
But besides the packaging, you can also work on many other choices, from the service level to the quality of your product, to the number of features or the support you deliver, etc., etc. You can even work with pricing. Did you know there’s a thing called placebo effect?
It turns out when you price a bottle of wine for 99$ instead of 5$, people will actually believe the most expensive tastes better. But when you switch the wines, guess what… customers still believe the expensive is the best.
Typical references with this strategy are: Apple and Starbucks.

Now, finally, we arrive at what I’d always recommend as the initial strategy of any firm.
Besides being called “FOCUS” – which is great -, this strategy is paramount for any early stage venture because these don’t usually have the necessary means – neither will they be successful – to compete in multiple segments or within an entire industry.
A brand new startup cannot compete with an established company in the market, right? There’s no way I’d ever recommend you to head-butt someone who is bigger or larger than you. So, why would we do that in a business environment?
You see, these three generic strategies can be quite insightful, but IMHO, the real deal is this third one, the FOCUS strategy.
This option will be divided into two major blocks, as you can see by the top axis:
  1. You can have a focus strategy oriented to differentiation
  2. Or you can have a focus strategy oriented to cost leadership
The thing is: focusing on a small set of customers and exploring a low margins’ business model (cost leadership) doesn’t make that much sense to me. If there aren’t many guys willing to pay for a product and you cannot make a lot of money from it, the idea seems a bit more like a labor of love. Do you agree?
So, I believe we have to focus specifically on the first alternative – differentiation. And here’s how it works out:
You create a product that serves a narrow set of people and that has really high-profit margins. This is how great businesses are built; you find the early adopters that are more than willing to buy a product that solves their burning pains – or perhaps you find a way to develop a product way better than your competitors’.
Now, I’m not saying this is the only strategy that matters, obviously. My recommendation is that you start with the end game in mind, understanding from the get-go where you want to position your brand and entity for the long run, but follow a focused strategy in the early days of your company.
Great businesses never start big; they start small and grow from the ground. They address one customer at a time, and often manually. Their goal is to create something that will be missed and to be able to generate enough money so they can repeat the whole manual process, until one day it becomes automatic and they can scale.
One note about scaling up:
We usually have this idea that scaling means conquering the world, right? Well, I just want you to know that earning more revenue or finding more customers to your product doesn’t necessarily mean you’re conquering the entire planet.
It means that the small niche you’ve selected in your country can also be found in many other countries, for instance. It doesn’t mean that you’ll suddenly be addressing the whole industry, you see?
A practical example:
If you create a really expensive beer club because you understand a lot about beers, and there are a small group of people willing to pay for two new beers every week recommended by you, it doesn’t mean that to scale you’ll need to address the whole beer industry and compete with Heineken. Not at all. To scale this business, perhaps you just need to increase your suppliers’ base and make sure you can serve this hyper-niche in each and every country.
Typical references with this strategy are: Niche Websites, Prada, Ferrari.

Great! So, I hope this is the article that can finally explain you in a simple way what strategy really is, why it matters, and how can you start thinking strategically about your business and also in all the other matters of your life.
At the end of the day, strategy is focus, and my humble recommendation is that you always seek to be unique.
I’d like to wrap up by sharing this brief story:
Once, Farz  said that people used to unsubscribe from his mailing list because from time to time he swore a bit. They would be shocked and would say things such as:
“How can you speak like that? Don’t you have decency? I’m unsubscribing immediately!
But here’s the thing:
As Farz says, it is OK if you don’t like him to swear. That’s fine! But that’s the way he is. So, while some guys won’t accept that, the fact is a lot more people will actually admire him for being human and transparent. He’s showing that he could virtually be a friend or a neighbor of yours.
And, besides, the moment Farz stops being as he is and becomes equal to everyone else, that’s the day people will stop caring about him.
You see? This is positioning.
In this example, I don’t know if Farz does this on purpose (I actually think he does because he doesn’t let anything to chance). But the fact remains: this is his positioning, and it’s a damn good one, by the way.
So, how will your business be unique? How will you differentiate from everyone else?
What is the story that you want your customers to tell their friends about buying your product?
This is strategy. Strategy is not a 250 slides deck with 45 action points. Strategy is focusing on what’s really core, and building the foundations to be seen as unique, apart from any other company.
I hope this was a fresh perspective on strategy for you, and I’d like to leave you with two great videos that I’ve watched more than 10 times each.
They are long, more than 1-hour duration if I’m not mistaken, but as anything in life, I’ll always recommend you seek the detail and the content, and never settle with the shortcuts and quick hacks.
Thanks for reading, I hope this material helps you accomplishing your goals.
Here are the videos.
The first one is from Professor Michael Porter on Strategy. Here’s where I learned – I guess – that strategy is not about being the best, but being unique.
The second one is from Professor Richard Rumelt on Good Strategy vs Bad Strategy.Here’s where I learned that strategy is focus.
Thanks for reading!
Wish you best of luck.